Sunday, August 18, 2013


I touch the people I love often. And it's so hard for me to not do that. 
Seriously though, if you are my friend and I really care for you, when I'm with you I probably want to sit really close to you or hold your hand or cuddle or anything that involves touching you. It's how I give love and how I receive love best. If someone is in my way in the kitchen or hallway, I usually touch them while I pass by them, just to let them know I'm there. To me that's normal. 
This results in quite a few problems for me. You see, not everyone feels the same way about touching as I do. This always makes me hesitant to actually hug my friends or put my hand on their shoulder when I walk by. It genuinely weirds some people out (my dear sister included). Plus, it's not always socially acceptable to touch people. Also, when it's not other people's first instinct to hug me or touch me in some way when they see me, I don't feel as loved by them (which is foolish, but how I think). I've just realized recently that touching really is that important to me. I suppose I should have known, because I rarely go to sleep without hugging everyone in my house (that tradition started long long ago). Maybe it stems from being the youngest? 
The moral of this story is: if you see Suzanna and don't know if you should give her a hug or not, the answer is always yes. 

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