Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have an 8-10 page paper due in 11 hours and all I want to do is write.
I don't want to write more about Biblical manhood and womanhood even though I love this topic and all the things I have been learning about it.

I want to write my heart.
I want to write my heartbreak.
I want to write my feelings of utter joy for my cousin and his fiancee.
I want to write about my family.
I want to write about my thoughts.
I want to write about my upcoming trip.

But now is not the time.
I must do what I am responsible for and write what I must.


Friday, April 4, 2014


I had lunch with my grandpa on Sunday, and he gave me a birthday card that day. I had it in my purse, and I just opened it last night (it's been crazy around here). The card itself was very sweet, and grandpa's added emphasis through underlined and bracketed words made me smile. But I was not ready for the rest of it. He told me how proud he was of me as a person, and then signed it. 
But he didn't just sign it for himself. 
He signed it for Grandma Jean and Papa John and Grandma Suzie, too. 
Grandpa Bob is my only grandparent who is alive today. Both of my dad's parents have passed away and so has my mom's mom. They all died within a two year span of each other - I was barely old enough to really know what was going on. I just remember being in and around hospitals a lot. My grandparents were all lovely people. The few memories I do have of them are all happy ones. They loved their grandchildren so very much, and I remember their love most of all. 
When I saw all of their names written at the bottom of the card, tears came to my eyes. My sweet grandpa. He loves me with the weight of four grandparents, not just one. 
I do wish that I could know my grandparents who have passed away. I want them to be able to see all of their grandchildren and great grandchildren. I want them to tell me stories about their lives. I want to learn from them and hug them and love them. 
Regardless of how much I miss them, I am overwhelmed with Grandpa Bob's thoughtfulness and love. I am so grateful to this man for continually bringing my family together and loving us all so much. He is a huge blessing in my life, and I love him more than I could ever say.